Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing reduced through enhanced monitoring, control and surveillance of both oceanic and coastal fisheries; improved legislation; access to information; and effective marine area management
- Support for the review of national legislation to be in line with international principles as well as the implementation of IUU national plans of action
- Training to deal with IUU incidents and assistance with prosecutions and sanctions
- Trials of new technology to assist national and regional monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) efforts
- Technical assistance with catch documentation systems, electronic monitoring and electronic reporting
- International outreach and advocacy on IUU and control of high seas fisheries
- Capacity building and training of MCS officers, with an emphasis on the enforcement of port state controls and coastal fisheries regulations
- Development of tools and systems to combat IUU fishing activities in coastal waters

Feature Image caption
Photo: Francisco Blaha
KRA Contact
Len Rodwell
FFA Fisheries Development Adviser
[email protected]
Rajneel Singh
FFA PEUMP Finance and Procurement Coordinator
[email protected]
FFA Fisheries Development Adviser
[email protected]
Rajneel Singh
FFA PEUMP Finance and Procurement Coordinator
[email protected]
Lead Agency

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