Representatives from the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tonga participated in a three-day virtual workshop held from 15-17 July, 2020. The virtual workshop discussed gender, social inclusion and human rights principles in the coastal fisheries and aquaculture sectors and ended with recommendations for solution-oriented actions to improve the integration of these key principles into legal frameworks in Pacific Island Countries (PICs).
For its first participation in New Caledonia’s International Underwater Film and Photo Festival, the Pacific Community (SPC) held short-video screenings for the many schoolchildren, people living with disabilities, and members of the general public who attended this very special event. The goal was to raise awareness about good fishing practices among the young and not-so-young.
A glimpse into the lagoon’s inner workings
From the amazing journey of mullet, the giant clams’ team spirit, the size limits as a golden rule, the smart mesh for nets, or the privacy needed by groupers during their breeding season, the five animated videos in the first season of the Fisher’s Tales series give audiences a glimpse into the lagoon’s inner workings. These two-minute videos revealed the characteristics of several species’ groups, while highlighting sustainable practices to ensure that fishing can continue for a long time to come.
Healthy coastal ecosystems, particularly coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass habitats, are critical in underpinning coastal fisheries, food security and vital ecosystem services that provide significant additional benefits to Pacific coastal communities and economies. These ecosystem services include shoreline protection, maintenance of water quality, support for reef and nearshore tourism activities, and resilience to the impacts of climate change.
In Vanuatu the SPREP-led BIEM Initiative (KRA5 of PEUMP) is supporting Biodiversity Rapid Assessments (BIORAP) in the provinces of Malekula and Pentecost. Photographs and video are essential not only to record the work being done, but to document community views and share stories further afield.
11 February marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The day focuses on the vital role of gender equality in science, for the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The half-day consultation on gender-based violence in fisheries concluded yesterday afternoon with fruitful discussions. Representatives from various GBV networks, national fisheries and women's affairs agencies, regional organisations, environmental and civil society organizations, and the fishing industry participated.